.1stripe payment gateway

The WP Voting Contest (Stripe Entry Fee) Extension requires the WP-Voting-Contest 6.0+ Plugin in order to work.

The WP Voting Contest (Stripe Entry Fee) extension allows you to charge an entry fee for entering your contest. The entry fee can be set at the category level so that you can charge a different fee for each contest when running multiple contests.
contest category price

As of version 1.5 we support all 136 currencies that are supported by Stripe.
currency selection

The contestant will fill out the entry form and then be prompted to pay via Stripe. Once payment is made, Stripe will send the user back to your contest page or optional “Thank You” page if it is set, and their entry will be ready for admin approval. Optionally, paid entries can be auto approved.

Alternatively, if you set an activation limit, lets say 20, then once the activation limit is reached, each contestant will be emailed a payment link to finalize their payment on Stripe. If the activation limit is not reached, no monetary transactions will take place to reduce the chance of refunds. This function is very similar to crowd funding where if a goal is not met, no transactions take place. If the goal is met (number of contestants reached), then the contestants are notified to complete their transaction.

  • A license enables access to the product, updates and support for six months from the date of purchase for a single website.

  • A license enables access to the product, updates and support for six months from the date of purchase for unlimited websites.

  • Includes updates for life, support for configuring your contest, ability to use the plugin on multiple websites.